Is It Harvest Time? | Burnett's Country Gardens

Is It Harvest Time?

Picking The Right Hydrangea
August 13, 2018
Watering Is Key
August 13, 2018
Picking The Right Hydrangea
August 13, 2018
Watering Is Key
August 13, 2018

Knowing when to pick your veggies and fruit is key to the success of your harvest. Tomatoes and berries are easier, you can visibly see the ripened fruit. But what about root veggies that live under the soil, and other veggies that don’t give you the clear green light for picking?

Here are a few tips to help you get the best harvest this season.

Check in on your garden every day and pick what has ripened, this is a great way to take advantage of optimal flavor and can help your plants. Picking vegetables as soon as they are ripe can encourage the plant to produce even more.

Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better

Many vegetables are at their peak of tenderness and flavor when they are relatively small. For example, Zucchini are best when they are no more than six or seven inches long, after that they get tougher.

Curious about when to pick a particular veggie? Check this extensive list by the farmer’s almanac:

If you have more questions about when to pick, come in and talk with one of our experts.